1Run 21033-2130 Analysis center: USNO -- US Naval Observatory Analyst: Nicole Geiger ( nicole.p.geiger2.civ@mail.mil ) Machine: nuit.crf.dev.rdte x86_64 Linux 5.4.0-58-generic Executables: . Solve initials: NG Spool format: SgLib-0.7.2 (Yeager (pre)) Local time: 2021.02.02-16:31:44 Correlator type: MK4 Mark-3 db_name: Data base $21JAN21XE Ver 3 Matrix Condition Number = 1.665803268530178E+10 Listing_Options: CRES_EMULATION NO BASELINES NO MINIMUM NO Listing_Options: MAPPED_EOP_OUTPUT NO SEG_OUTPUT NO APRIORI_ZENDEL NO Listing_Options: NRD_TABLE YES CHI_TABLE NO SRC_STAT PRE2004 SEG_STYLE PRE2005 SgLib release : 2020 Sep 29 Flyby Station Cals: DB Station Cals: | DB Non-station Cals: | Atmosphere Partial: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BADARY :NMFDRFLY GION | WobXCont | NMFWTFLY HART15M :NMFDRFLY GION | WobYCont | KOKEE :NMFDRFLY cable GION | EarthTid | NYALE13S:NMFDRFLY GION | Ocean | WARK12M :NMFDRFLY GION | UT1Ortho | WETTZ13N:NMFDRFLY GION | XpYpOrth | WETTZELL:NMFDRFLY cable GION | XpYpLib | YARRA12M:NMFDRFLY GION | UT1Libra | | OPTLCont | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALC Version: 11.02 SgLib-0.7.2 (Yeager (pre)) 21JAN21SE 3 NOT IN SOLUTION Met Statistics: Temperature Pressure Humidity Station average rms average rms average rms BADARY MET -16.8 3.9 909.4 2.1 64.2 10.3 HART15M MET 22.8 5.2 864.1 1.6 57.9 23.3 KOKEE MET 14.3 2.0 888.6 0.6 90.4 7.2 NYALE13S MET -15.0 2.1 1030.5 0.9 70.7 3.2 WARK12M MET 16.6 2.6 1004.5 1.4 72.4 16.2 WETTZ13N MET 8.3 1.5 927.5 2.1 44.2 3.4 WETTZELL MET 8.4 1.4 927.3 1.9 44.3 3.5 YARRA12M MET 28.2 6.7 971.8 1.4 50.0 0.0 Run 21033-2130 2484 Observation Pairs Available Session started on: 2459236.271181 2021.01.21 18:30:30.000 UTC Actual duration: 86338.000 sec 00 23:58:58.000 sec Solution type: Group delay X/S combination Data Type Number of Weighted RMS Normalized RMS Chi Square Observations Residual Residual (precis) Used Delay 1628 37.191 ps 0.99 1.0000 Rate 0 0 fs/s 0.00 0.0000 Combined 0 0.00 0.0000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Used quality_code_limit: 5 Number of potentially recoverable observations: 1825 Number of potentially good observations with QC 5-9: 1886 Number of used observations: 1628 ( 89.21%) Number of suppressed observations: 197 ( 10.79%) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Baseline Statistics Baseline # W.Obs W.RMS Del N.R.D. N.R.D. W.RMS Rate N.R.R. D.RW R.RW used/recov ps standard ( 15ps+i) fs/s ps fs/s BADARY -HART15M 39/ 40 38.2 0.86 1.12 1493.1 0.00 30.1 0.0 BADARY -KOKEE 103/ 110 49.7 0.91 1.70 1176.1 0.00 46.7 0.0 BADARY -NYALE13S 75/ 84 63.8 0.93 1.46 83.8 0.00 50.4 0.0 BADARY -WARK12M 30/ 36 29.3 0.78 0.98 316.9 0.00 27.7 0.0 BADARY -WETTZ13N 154/ 160 27.6 0.88 1.24 223.9 0.00 26.0 0.0 BADARY -WETTZELL 140/ 148 29.2 0.89 1.35 134.1 0.00 28.7 0.0 BADARY -YARRA12M 35/ 36 59.0 0.90 2.31 881.1 0.00 58.4 0.0 HART15M -NYALE13S 16/ 16 128.6 0.97 1.47 385.4 0.00 100.5 0.0 HART15M -WARK12M 25/ 25 64.3 0.86 1.26 5275.7 0.00 54.9 0.0 HART15M -WETTZ13N 98/ 100 36.5 0.88 1.03 1551.4 0.00 25.4 0.0 HART15M -WETTZELL 86/ 86 39.4 0.88 1.17 1937.8 0.00 34.1 0.0 HART15M -YARRA12M 53/ 56 50.6 0.82 1.43 644.6 0.00 49.3 0.0 KOKEE -NYALE13S 40/ 42 78.5 0.94 1.10 1412.0 0.00 47.5 0.0 KOKEE -WARK12M 113/ 114 47.4 0.87 1.40 2526.4 0.00 42.7 0.0 KOKEE -WETTZ13N 49/ 53 24.9 0.83 0.87 1302.9 0.00 17.2 0.0 KOKEE -WETTZELL 48/ 51 49.7 0.92 1.59 1469.5 0.00 45.0 0.0 KOKEE -YARRA12M 45/ 49 51.2 0.87 1.44 1824.9 0.00 49.1 0.0 NYALE13S-WETTZ13N 105/ 106 81.3 0.95 1.74 126.1 0.00 65.8 0.0 NYALE13S-WETTZELL 103/ 105 41.3 0.87 1.04 100.3 0.00 30.0 0.0 WARK12M -YARRA12M 100/ 104 35.6 0.81 1.12 735.6 0.00 32.4 0.0 WETTZ13N-WETTZELL 115/ 246 23.4 0.88 1.33 71.1 0.00 24.9 0.0 WETTZ13N-YARRA12M 27/ 28 63.8 0.90 1.96 460.8 0.00 64.5 0.0 WETTZELL-YARRA12M 29/ 30 71.0 0.93 2.27 421.2 0.00 71.1 0.0 Not included: NYALE13S-WARK12M 0/ 0 deselected NYALE13S-YARRA12M 0/ 0 deselected WETTZ13N-WARK12M 0/ 0 deselected Source Statistics Source # W.Obs W.RMS Del N.R.D. N.R.D. W.RMS Rate N.R.R. ps standard ( 15ps) fs/s 1606-398 A 0/ 0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 1639+230 B 0/ 0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 OJ287 C 36/ 37 26.3 0.68 1.67 496.9 0.00 1705+018 D 83/ 97 38.0 0.81 1.20 745.2 0.00 1749+096 E 30/ 31 34.6 0.79 1.79 142.6 0.00 1759-396 F 1/ 1 10.5 0.16 0.21 8.9 0.00 1751+288 G 54/ 55 34.5 0.93 1.72 172.5 0.00 1758-651 H 0/ 0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 1555+001 I 9/ 12 56.8 0.98 1.18 282.6 0.00 1519-294 J 0/ 1 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 1327+504 K 40/ 56 34.5 0.77 0.92 99.9 0.00 1255-316 L 4/ 4 33.8 0.70 0.88 437.6 0.00 1324+224 M 56/ 63 39.1 0.77 1.02 675.1 0.00 1352-104 N 1/ 2 74.8 1.12 1.21 155.2 0.00 1417+385 O 29/ 32 45.0 0.93 1.19 268.4 0.00 1514+197 P 5/ 6 31.3 0.64 0.87 1729.8 0.00 1424-418 Q 8/ 8 58.3 0.95 1.27 1013.3 0.00 1508-055 R 43/ 43 29.0 0.83 1.25 104.6 0.00 1800+440 S 12/ 14 44.1 0.99 1.26 510.1 0.00 2325+093 T 10/ 12 32.6 0.82 1.55 105.3 0.00 3C371 U 40/ 43 42.3 0.99 1.40 112.0 0.00 1920-211 V 0/ 0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 3C418 W 117/ 122 30.6 0.83 1.77 207.9 0.00 CTA26 X 3/ 3 33.3 0.68 1.06 376.0 0.00 NRAO530 Y 17/ 17 43.6 1.14 2.53 183.6 0.00 NGC6251 Z 61/ 67 33.3 0.91 1.26 135.7 0.00 NRAO512 A 5/ 5 70.1 1.06 1.16 510.4 0.00 2319+444 B 0/ 0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 2255-282 C 15/ 16 17.8 0.54 1.02 575.7 0.00 2052-474 D 2/ 2 63.4 1.23 1.51 127.7 0.00 1929+226 E 4/ 5 77.6 1.24 1.34 188.0 0.00 1954-388 F 28/ 31 49.1 0.97 1.80 3457.0 0.00 2059+034 G 0/ 1 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 2113+293 H 6/ 7 31.2 0.71 0.85 408.3 0.00 2252-089 I 0/ 1 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 2128-123 J 7/ 7 36.7 0.96 1.25 359.1 0.00 2201+171 K 3/ 9 36.8 0.68 0.74 216.8 0.00 1243-160 L 17/ 20 41.5 0.98 1.15 1170.2 0.00 0239+175 M 0/ 1 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0308-611 N 28/ 30 49.6 0.94 1.30 656.1 0.00 1219+044 O 8/ 15 29.8 0.93 1.30 666.4 0.00 0338-214 P 10/ 11 40.8 0.89 1.06 566.9 0.00 0358+210 Q 36/ 54 60.5 1.03 1.20 1119.0 0.00 0529+483 R 89/ 92 35.9 0.85 1.27 323.1 0.00 0434-188 S 1/ 1 4.9 0.17 0.23 39.7 0.00 0458-020 T 48/ 50 26.8 0.65 1.33 389.1 0.00 0151+474 U 5/ 6 25.4 0.54 0.61 40.5 0.00 0134+311 V 3/ 6 82.3 1.48 1.70 203.5 0.00 0016+731 W 74/ 77 41.8 1.05 1.50 176.0 0.00 0003-066 X 14/ 16 37.4 0.82 1.55 466.9 0.00 0008-264 Y 32/ 36 43.2 0.86 1.08 549.6 0.00 0019+058 Z 80/ 97 42.0 0.96 1.31 1205.5 0.00 0025+197 A 9/ 11 47.2 0.78 1.22 152.4 0.00 0115-214 B 1/ 1 38.8 1.04 1.46 102.4 0.00 0059+581 C 76/ 77 25.0 0.77 1.78 601.9 0.00 0104-408 D 16/ 16 40.8 0.70 0.95 1556.6 0.00 0537-286 E 3/ 3 57.2 1.11 2.01 185.7 0.00 0537-441 F 9/ 9 31.2 0.68 1.20 1441.8 0.00 1053+704 G 36/ 40 51.9 1.04 1.32 195.0 0.00 1034-293 H 4/ 5 59.5 1.25 1.56 237.6 0.00 1038+52A I 29/ 31 45.1 1.03 1.40 141.5 0.00 1057-797 J 9/ 10 90.4 1.02 1.19 369.9 0.00 1124-186 K 12/ 13 31.9 0.71 1.05 1719.3 0.00 1145+268 L 0/ 0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 1133-032 M 0/ 1 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 1144-379 N 20/ 20 46.0 0.85 1.43 1486.7 0.00 0920-397 O 1/ 1 25.7 0.46 0.54 84.7 0.00 0847-120 P 2/ 4 18.6 0.53 0.89 6.2 0.00 0646-306 Q 8/ 9 42.8 0.78 1.10 566.0 0.00 0602+673 R 85/ 94 35.1 0.88 1.19 552.9 0.00 0641+392 S 0/ 2 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0648-165 T 34/ 34 41.2 0.86 1.35 1704.1 0.00 0718+793 U 7/ 7 51.4 1.23 1.55 292.6 0.00 0805+410 V 14/ 15 32.6 0.75 0.94 183.0 0.00 0743+277 W 62/ 83 43.2 0.94 1.25 1833.9 0.00 0748+126 X 17/ 17 36.8 0.85 1.38 394.7 0.00 Station Statistics Station # W.Obs W.RMS Del N.R.D. N.R.D. W.RMS Rate N.R.R. ps standard ( 15ps) fs/s BADARY 576/ 614 34.3 0.89 1.45 511.7 0.00 HART15M 317/ 323 41.6 0.87 1.19 2073.0 0.00 KOKEE 398/ 419 44.0 0.89 1.43 1869.7 0.00 NYALE13S 339/ 353 59.1 0.92 1.41 282.0 0.00 WARK12M 268/ 279 40.3 0.84 1.24 1960.7 0.00 WETTZ13N 548/ 693 31.1 0.89 1.35 381.2 0.00 WETTZELL 521/ 666 31.9 0.89 1.36 512.3 0.00 YARRA12M 289/ 303 46.5 0.85 1.63 911.7 0.00 *** Flyby Status *** directory: /data/solve/save_files Station Source Nutation Nutation Earth Earth Station Pressure EOP Intp. EOP Intp. High Freq Axis Positions Positions Model Time Rotation Rotation Velocity Loading Smoothing Smoothing EOP Offset Series Series Interpol. Model CALC Mod File Model Mod File --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- NONE NONE NONE NONE last_usno C. Spline NONE NONE NO_ZONAL N/A NONE NONE Site Plate Map: /data/solve/save_files/sitpl.dat Parameter adjustments for run 21033-2130 User=NG Reference epoch for polynomial models: 21/01/22 00:00 Parameter Adjustment a-sigma m-sigma WETTZELL CLCK 21/01/21 19:36 Reference Station positions are for epoch: 2021.01.22-05:52:56 1. BADARY 7382 EURA X Comp -838201161.72 mm -93.718 mm 3.756 mm 3.756 mm 2. BADARY 7382 EURA Y Comp 3865751412.56 mm -152.436 mm 5.223 mm 5.223 mm 3. BADARY 7382 EURA Z Comp 4987670772.56 mm -118.442 mm 7.896 mm 7.896 mm BADARY 7382 U Comp -172.94 mm -172.939 mm 9.029 mm 9.029 mm BADARY 7382 E Comp 123.89 mm 123.891 mm 3.780 mm 3.780 mm BADARY 7382 N Comp 28.13 mm 28.131 mm 2.813 mm 2.813 mm 4. BADARY CL 0 21/01/21 18:30 220377.046 ns 0.061 ns 0.061 ns 5. BADARY CL 1 21/01/21 18:30 9.576 D-14 0.143 D-14 0.143 D-14 31. BADARY AT 0 21/01/21 18:30 -33.384 ps 16.787 ps 16.787 ps BADARY Atm 2021.01.22-06:15:05.295 Avg: 73.784 ps Rms: 16.923 ps Tot_Rms: 16.923 ps Station positions are for epoch: 2021.01.22-08:02:45 57. HART15M 7378 AFRC X Comp 5085490918.72 mm 119.723 mm 10.168 mm 10.168 mm 58. HART15M 7378 AFRC Y Comp 2668161520.11 mm 21.107 mm 5.396 mm 5.396 mm 59. HART15M 7378 AFRC Z Comp -2768692585.95 mm 30.052 mm 6.319 mm 6.319 mm HART15M 7378 U Comp 91.08 mm 91.077 mm 11.201 mm 11.201 mm HART15M 7378 E Comp -36.93 mm -36.932 mm 2.737 mm 2.737 mm HART15M 7378 N Comp 77.61 mm 77.609 mm 6.284 mm 6.284 mm 60. HART15M CL 0 21/01/21 18:30 9969.953 ns 0.069 ns 0.069 ns 61. HART15M CL 1 21/01/21 18:30 15.305 D-14 0.138 D-14 0.138 D-14 87. HART15M AT 0 21/01/21 18:30 771.654 ps 17.931 ps 17.931 ps HART15M Atm 2021.01.22-07:50:57.422 Avg: 368.213 ps Rms: 65.666 ps Tot_Rms: 65.665 ps Station positions are for epoch: 2021.01.22-06:42:35 113. KOKEE 7298 PCFC X Comp -5543837730.83 mm 42.175 mm 9.084 mm 9.084 mm 114. KOKEE 7298 PCFC Y Comp -2054566496.02 mm 352.977 mm 4.776 mm 4.776 mm 115. KOKEE 7298 PCFC Z Comp 2387852630.94 mm 172.935 mm 6.311 mm 6.311 mm KOKEE 7298 U Comp -85.13 mm -85.125 mm 9.587 mm 9.587 mm KOKEE 7298 E Comp -316.32 mm -316.323 mm 3.406 mm 3.406 mm KOKEE 7298 N Comp 221.30 mm 221.296 mm 6.453 mm 6.453 mm 116. KOKEE CL 0 21/01/21 19:39 9527.499 ns 0.063 ns 0.063 ns 117. KOKEE CL 1 21/01/21 19:39 -11.089 D-14 0.154 D-14 0.154 D-14 143. KOKEE AT 0 21/01/21 18:30 251.325 ps 16.174 ps 16.174 ps KOKEE Atm 2021.01.22-05:36:23.154 Avg: 206.001 ps Rms: 69.452 ps Tot_Rms: 69.451 ps Station positions are for epoch: 2021.01.22-06:17:50 169. NYALE13S 7331 EURA X Comp 1201070727.71 mm -691.293 mm 6.261 mm 6.261 mm 170. NYALE13S 7331 EURA Y Comp 252129203.31 mm -333.687 mm 3.405 mm 3.405 mm 171. NYALE13S 7331 EURA Z Comp 6238022480.41 mm 142.407 mm 25.278 mm 25.278 mm NYALE13S 7331 U Comp -3.14 mm -3.141 mm 25.738 mm 25.737 mm NYALE13S 7331 E Comp -184.55 mm -184.548 mm 3.471 mm 3.471 mm NYALE13S 7331 N Comp 758.58 mm 758.581 mm 3.914 mm 3.914 mm 172. NYALE13S CL 0 21/01/21 18:30 24137.480 ns 0.123 ns 0.123 ns 173. NYALE13S CL 1 21/01/21 18:30 50.641 D-14 0.152 D-14 0.152 D-14 199. NYALE13S AT 0 21/01/21 18:30 676.410 ps 34.500 ps 34.499 ps NYALE13S Atm 2021.01.22-06:50:52.952 Avg: 19.258 ps Rms: 32.810 ps Tot_Rms: 32.809 ps Station positions are for epoch: 2021.01.22-07:31:52 225. WARK12M 7377 AUST X Comp -5115324445.00 mm -13.996 mm 10.881 mm 10.881 mm 226. WARK12M 7377 AUST Y Comp 477843127.72 mm -174.282 mm 4.401 mm 4.401 mm 227. WARK12M 7377 AUST Z Comp -3767192645.74 mm 198.260 mm 8.785 mm 8.785 mm WARK12M 7377 U Comp -119.58 mm -119.578 mm 13.332 mm 13.332 mm WARK12M 7377 E Comp 174.83 mm 174.828 mm 4.339 mm 4.338 mm WARK12M 7377 N Comp 158.16 mm 158.156 mm 4.287 mm 4.287 mm 228. WARK12M CL 0 21/01/21 18:32 -32942.304 ns 0.069 ns 0.069 ns 229. WARK12M CL 1 21/01/21 18:32 -9.969 D-14 0.151 D-14 0.151 D-14 255. WARK12M AT 0 21/01/21 18:30 763.623 ps 17.841 ps 17.841 ps WARK12M Atm 2021.01.22-07:29:52.583 Avg: 396.750 ps Rms: 27.571 ps Tot_Rms: 27.570 ps Station positions are for epoch: 2021.01.22-06:13:33 281. WETTZ13N 7387 EURA X Comp 4075627674.83 mm 54.831 mm 3.735 mm 3.734 mm 282. WETTZ13N 7387 EURA Y Comp 931774265.92 mm -45.075 mm 1.552 mm 1.552 mm 283. WETTZ13N 7387 EURA Z Comp 4801552363.38 mm -15.617 mm 4.348 mm 4.348 mm WETTZ13N 7387 U Comp 16.58 mm 16.582 mm 5.661 mm 5.661 mm WETTZ13N 7387 E Comp -56.16 mm -56.162 mm 1.387 mm 1.387 mm WETTZ13N 7387 N Comp -43.05 mm -43.047 mm 1.135 mm 1.135 mm 284. WETTZ13N CL 0 21/01/21 18:30 5236.924 ns 0.053 ns 0.053 ns 285. WETTZ13N CL 1 21/01/21 18:30 14.725 D-14 0.142 D-14 0.142 D-14 311. WETTZ13N AT 0 21/01/21 18:30 418.197 ps 15.310 ps 15.310 ps WETTZ13N Atm 2021.01.22-06:31:24.417 Avg: 202.182 ps Rms: 16.755 ps Tot_Rms: 16.755 ps 337. WETTZELL AT 0 21/01/21 18:30 542.288 ps 15.614 ps 15.614 ps WETTZELL Atm 2021.01.22-06:25:02.735 Avg: 207.169 ps Rms: 18.758 ps Tot_Rms: 18.757 ps Station positions are for epoch: 2021.01.22-07:46:10 363. YARRA12M 7376 AUST X Comp -2388896376.08 mm -247.082 mm 6.132 mm 6.131 mm 364. YARRA12M 7376 AUST Y Comp 5043349924.17 mm -69.833 mm 9.284 mm 9.284 mm 365. YARRA12M 7376 AUST Z Comp -3078590548.45 mm 311.550 mm 8.163 mm 8.163 mm YARRA12M 7376 U Comp -113.97 mm -113.973 mm 11.534 mm 11.534 mm YARRA12M 7376 E Comp 253.19 mm 253.193 mm 5.134 mm 5.134 mm YARRA12M 7376 N Comp 293.08 mm 293.076 mm 5.571 mm 5.571 mm 366. YARRA12M CL 0 21/01/21 18:30 9968.983 ns 0.127 ns 0.127 ns 367. YARRA12M CL 1 21/01/21 18:30 174.160 D-14 1.086 D-14 1.086 D-14 393. YARRA12M BR 0 21/01/21 23:59 0.342 ns 0.104 ns 0.104 ns 394. YARRA12M BR 1 21/01/21 23:59 -1.570 D-14 1.260 D-14 1.260 D-14 395. YARRA12M BR 0 21/01/22 11:18 -1.083 ns 0.335 ns 0.335 ns 396. YARRA12M BR 1 21/01/22 11:18 0.122 D-14 0.761 D-14 0.761 D-14 397. YARRA12M AT 0 21/01/21 18:30 874.568 ps 15.910 ps 15.910 ps YARRA12M Atm 2021.01.22-06:57:09.591 Avg: 461.560 ps Rms: 59.217 ps Tot_Rms: 59.216 ps Atmosphere Constraint Statistics 1. BADARY Input 75.00 ps/h RMS 34.55 ps/h NRMS 0.46 share 0.10 count 25 2. HART15M Input 75.00 ps/h RMS 80.29 ps/h NRMS 1.07 share 0.30 count 25 3. KOKEE Input 75.00 ps/h RMS 81.09 ps/h NRMS 1.08 share 0.13 count 25 4. NYALE13S Input 75.00 ps/h RMS 44.35 ps/h NRMS 0.59 share 0.37 count 25 5. WARK12M Input 75.00 ps/h RMS 36.92 ps/h NRMS 0.49 share 0.18 count 25 6. WETTZ13N Input 75.00 ps/h RMS 21.07 ps/h NRMS 0.28 share 0.06 count 25 7. WETTZELL Input 75.00 ps/h RMS 16.37 ps/h NRMS 0.22 share 0.09 count 25 8. YARRA12M Input 75.00 ps/h RMS 40.73 ps/h NRMS 0.54 share 0.14 count 25 Overall RMS 49.90 ps/h NRMS 0.67 share 0.17 count 200 Clock Constraint Statistics 1. BADARY Input 5.00 D-14 RMS 2.20 D-14 NRMS 0.44 share 0.13 count 25 2. HART15M Input 5.00 D-14 RMS 3.45 D-14 NRMS 0.69 share 0.31 count 25 3. KOKEE Input 5.00 D-14 RMS 5.28 D-14 NRMS 1.06 share 0.21 count 25 4. NYALE13S Input 5.00 D-14 RMS 2.08 D-14 NRMS 0.42 share 0.24 count 25 5. WARK12M Input 5.00 D-14 RMS 2.73 D-14 NRMS 0.55 share 0.20 count 25 6. WETTZ13N Input 5.00 D-14 RMS 1.54 D-14 NRMS 0.31 share 0.11 count 25 7. YARRA12M Input 5.00 D-14 RMS 3.55 D-14 NRMS 0.71 share 0.27 count 25 Overall RMS 3.19 D-14 NRMS 0.64 share 0.21 count 175 423. UT1-TAI 1, 21/01/22 06:35 0.1374 ms/d -17.61 micros/d 7.54 micros/d 7.54 micros/d EOP without included hi-freq variations (a-sigmas) XWOB YWOB UT1-TAI XSIG YSIG USIG mas mas ms microasec microasec microsec 21/01/22 06:35 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 424. BADARY -NYALE13S Clock offset -111.625 ps 10.025 ps 10.024 ps 425. KOKEE -NYALE13S Clock offset -214.973 ps 15.252 ps 15.252 ps 426. NYALE13S-WETTZ13N Clock offset -90.753 ps 9.883 ps 9.883 ps General constraints usage information: 1) CLO_RATE "Clock rate between segments " sigma 5.000E+00 10^-14 sec/sec 2) ATM_RATE "Atmosphere rate between segments" sigma 7.500E+01 psec/hr Corrected Reduced Chi-Square 1.0000 1 Baseline information for run 21033-2130 Monument to monument values at epoch 2021Jan22 Baseline vector components: Length, Vertical and Transverse components Vector mag c-sigma Length c-sigma Horizontal c-sigma Vertical c-sigma (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) BADARY 7382 to HART15M 7378 9832879637.40 15.57 9832879637.40 10.54 109.88 3.25 -292.50 9.60 2021/01/22 06:29:59 BADARY 7382 to KOKEE 7298 7997014069.56 14.30 7997014069.56 8.47 90.01 2.38 -222.41 10.15 2021/01/22 06:29:59 BADARY 7382 to NYALE13S 7331 4333621430.57 31.43 4333621430.57 10.24 654.25 3.44 -164.15 24.77 2021/01/22 06:29:59 BADARY 7382 to WARK12M 7377 10315974970.89 19.72 10315974970.89 12.14 -140.44 3.53 24.25 9.66 2021/01/22 06:29:59 BADARY 7382 to WETTZ13N 7387 5726130962.01 13.53 5726130962.01 4.31 -91.56 1.37 -176.08 8.93 2021/01/22 06:29:59 BADARY 7382 to WETTZELL 7224 5726072745.80 13.84 5726072745.80 4.38 -93.91 1.42 -192.94 9.08 2021/01/22 06:29:59 BADARY 7382 to YARRA12M 7376 8297949481.72 12.92 8297949481.72 9.93 -165.54 3.31 -212.72 10.79 2021/01/22 06:29:59 HART15M 7378 to KOKEE 7298 12723079266.76 14.58 12723079266.76 14.65 -299.84 4.60 -216.01 3.95 2021/01/22 06:29:59 HART15M 7378 to NYALE13S 7331 10101824026.52 31.77 10101824026.52 22.18 47.14 4.22 739.68 17.07 2021/01/22 06:29:59 HART15M 7378 to WARK12M 7377 10480989033.20 19.97 10480989033.20 14.67 69.42 4.77 235.63 9.50 2021/01/22 06:29:59 HART15M 7378 to WETTZ13N 7387 7832207419.41 14.11 7832207419.41 7.11 -41.78 2.54 92.12 10.60 2021/01/22 06:29:59 HART15M 7378 to WETTZELL 7224 7832301942.62 14.27 7832301942.62 7.28 22.99 2.57 122.78 10.62 2021/01/22 06:29:59 HART15M 7378 to YARRA12M 7376 7848822977.66 11.87 7848822977.66 9.20 -123.77 4.56 331.99 13.21 2021/01/22 06:29:59 KOKEE 7298 to NYALE13S 7331 8101755552.54 31.30 8101755552.54 17.14 399.70 4.50 -420.95 21.35 2021/01/22 06:29:59 KOKEE 7298 to WARK12M 7377 6669430597.62 17.52 6669430597.62 6.73 -462.33 3.25 -128.21 13.43 2021/01/22 06:29:59 KOKEE 7298 to WETTZ13N 7387 10357523460.53 13.24 10357523460.53 9.19 396.11 3.46 125.15 6.72 2021/01/22 06:29:59 KOKEE 7298 to WETTZELL 7224 10357448507.93 13.53 10357448507.93 9.30 334.94 3.52 106.05 6.80 2021/01/22 06:29:59 KOKEE 7298 to YARRA12M 7376 9498214226.54 10.20 9498214226.54 10.58 -166.52 3.76 -109.72 10.14 2021/01/22 06:29:59 NYALE13S 7331 to WARK12M 7377 11834362022.26 34.07 11834362022.26 26.15 249.69 5.12 510.24 11.58 2021/01/22 06:29:59 NYALE13S 7331 to WETTZ13N 7387 3284576296.95 30.63 3284576296.95 7.71 -110.22 3.56 -203.93 24.82 2021/01/22 06:29:59 NYALE13S 7331 to WETTZELL 7224 3284457483.57 30.71 3284457483.57 7.67 -166.68 3.47 -198.88 24.88 2021/01/22 06:29:59 NYALE13S 7331 to YARRA12M 7376 11074427214.61 30.56 11074427214.61 24.68 464.45 4.71 -224.07 13.65 2021/01/22 06:29:59 WARK12M 7377 to WETTZ13N 7387 12573903346.96 18.63 12573903346.96 13.15 -236.55 3.69 54.58 4.99 2021/01/22 06:29:59 WARK12M 7377 to WETTZELL 7224 12573890180.18 18.84 12573890180.18 13.26 -235.92 3.71 -12.55 5.04 2021/01/22 06:29:59 WARK12M 7377 to YARRA12M 7376 5362036476.17 14.87 5362036476.17 5.63 244.67 3.25 -134.10 15.54 2021/01/22 06:29:59 WETTZ13N 7387 to WETTZELL 7224 123312.62 8.75 123312.60 1.12 61.89 1.40 15.66 5.66 2021/01/22 06:29:59 WETTZ13N 7387 to YARRA12M 7376 10990531284.21 11.21 10990531284.21 10.94 -440.69 3.64 14.43 7.32 2021/01/22 06:29:59 WETTZELL 7224 to YARRA12M 7376 10990549314.77 11.57 10990549314.77 11.05 -387.33 3.68 46.00 7.40 2021/01/22 06:29:59 -- Note: a posteriori baseline vectors are expressed in a baseline-centric reference frames. The first basis vector of the frame, l, is in direction of a priori baseline, (r_2 - r_1). Direction of the second vector, h, is defined by a cross product of a priori baseline vector and a priori geocentric vector of the 2nd station. The last basis vector, v, is perpendicular to the vectors l and h and is radially inward at the center of the baseline. For the short baselines, the vectors l and h are close to the horizontal plane and v is almost vertical (with opposite sign). In the table above the columns are: * Vector mag: length of the a posteriori baseline; * Length: l-component of the baseline; * Horizontal: h-component of the baseline; * Vertical: v-component of the baseline; * c-sigma: calculated (using standard deviations of adjusted station coordinates of baselines) standard deviations of the corresponding values.